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Aromatherapy & Healing Harp

Saturday 28th September
3pm - 6pm

Yoga Garden

An exceptionally relaxing half day retreat combining Restorative yoga aromatherapy, crystal healing and sound therapy with Harpist Siobhan Swider.

Allow yourself to be bathed in soothing sounds of healing harp and Tibetan singing bowls to help you release and relax more in each pose. We will also explore a specific, beautiful high grade essential oil that resonates with each yin pose.

There will be an Alchemy crystal singing bowl sound bath to relax into after this deep and nourishing practice

Price £60

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Autumnal Nourishing
Day Retreat

Sunday 20th October
10.30am - 5pm

Yoga Garden

A whole day retreat to nourish, nurture and prepare for the cooler months ahead.

Siobhan and Bev offer a day of Igniting with Fire, Grounding with Earth and Returning to Balance. Expect movement, meditation, and rest to a live soundscape.

This is non-refundable Day Retreat

Price £160



Crystal Bowl Symposium

6th - 12th November 2024

Angkor Grace Wellness Resort Cambodia  
with Siobhan Swider 

To join together as One Heart in the spirit of collaboration and collective consciousness.

To make a difference vibrationally in the world; to learn from each other and to share our knowledge, to grow and develop together while benefitting others.

To activate the pure sound vibration of the Crystal Singing Bowls with hearts open in Grace for all those gathered in Sound and sharing the Light, for the people of Cambodia, their land and further out into the world for peace, comfort and healing.


Winter Warmer
Sound Healing Retreat

5th - 8th December 2024

This 4 day (3 night) retreat is on the doorstep of The Tor at the bohemian and elegant boutique venue Sambogaya -
It is also just minutes walk from chalice wells and the white springs.

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Yoga classes - prices vary
Soundbaths - prices vary 

Hope to see you this week at one or more classes and do please send the links to anyone you think maybe keen on these practices of yin and restorative yoga and sound healing.

Join my mailing list for classes and workshops 


The sessions I had with Siobhan were relaxing, insightful and helped to shift a lot of energy. I decided to focus on the solar plexus area and I felt a great healing to that area during our sessions. The resonance of the bowls on my body felt like it was touching stuck energy and helping me to bring it up into the light to be cleared. Siobhan has a kind and relaxing way about her so I felt able to really let go during the sessions. She created an atmosphere of trust and acceptance which I think is so important for this kind of work. Sometimes I would come away from the sessions feeling like my whole body was resonating a beautiful chord. That feeling is priceless. Thank you Siobhan.           Martin

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